How can I access Consumer Reports online?
The full text and PDF images of Consumer Reports (1991-current issue) is accessible through GALILEO. GALILEO is a collection of databases available to all residents of Georgia for free.
To access GALILEO, visit or contact Cobb County Public Library.
To search GALILEO for Consumer Reports articles:
- In the main search box, you can enter "consumer reports" and a keyword for the item you are researching (for example, "consumer reports refrigerator")
To browse all issues or a specific issue of Consumer Reports:
- After logging into GALILEO, click on "All Journals" in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Type "consumer reports" in the search box. [Or you may browse to it using the alphabetical list.]
- Select the listing that just says "Consumer Reports" (ISSN: 0010-7174).
- Click on the link to "MasterFILE Complete."
- On the right-hand side of the screen are links to the issues by year. Click on a year to see all the issues available. Click on an issue to see the individual articles in that issue.
- Select "PDF Full Text" to see the article as it appeared in the magazine with pictures and charts. Select "HTML Full Text" to read an article with text only.
- You may download the article; print it out; or email it to yourself.
If you need further assistance using this resource, please fill out this online form. Adult Services will contact you to help.